Went out for dinner with brudder Mel on fri. He recommended me claypot rice which is located at beach road hawker centre. Trust me its yummy!!! World second best claypot rice! (becos best is yet to be found kekeke) Me and brudder Mel finished the whole pot of rice jus 2 of us! Its jus too delicious..the chicken is tender, the dried sausage is plentiful and the rice is crispy and jus right. Yummy !!!! After dinner we took a long walk to bugis junction cos i wanted to watch Spiderman 3 and the reason for having the long walk is becos we were too full therefore decided to do some walking. Finally reached bugis and we found out that Spiderman 3 is only on screen 1st May 07 Ahhhhh.... Wat a blunder i made hehehe... we walked around abit cos mel wanted to get his PS 3 cable.... after that we decided to walk to Raffles City and have a couple of drinks at New Asia Bar before heading home. ( Nthing interesting at New Asia Bar so nthing to write abt)
Did some running on Sat evening as well as some push ups and crunches. Feeling fitter already ... dunno its me or just my imagination haha... Sun morn did another 3km run but this time felt my legs aching... hmm... guess i need to train more... time is running out for me...
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Ugly Singaporeans
I am a singaporean as well but i'm sorry to say that most singaporeans are behaving so shallow and rude in public... its so humiliating for me to be of the same citizenship as them... i'm so ashame and disgusted at their ugly behaviour.
I was in the train on my way to work and as usual the train was packed. Can you belive that an idiot came in the train , squeezed into the centre and tried to take out his newspapers and read! Such an idiot rite! I was standing beside him and his papers were brushing against my face but before i could tell him off the train screeched to a halt(becos it was switching tracks) and i saw a man falling backwards on a woman. He quickly apologized to her and you know wat happened?
The woman in her late 30s screamed and cursed at the man! Comon the man just lost his balance and he did apologize to you immediately rite? No need to to give regards to his parents and ancestors rite? i saw the whole thing and i know the man fell becos of the sudden halt not becos he wanted to molest you auntie if thats wat you are thinking in ur mind. Oh sorry, you dun even have a mind to begin with in the first place.
The next situation happened to me... few weeks ago i was drinking at a pub with some friends. Chit chat with the waitress and found out that she stayed near me blah blah blah etc... when we were leaving which is quite late already abt 2am, i offered to send her home cos its on the way. She gladly agreeded and thus we took a cab home together. Dun get me wrong ok ... i sent her to her place and i went back to my own place nthing happened. On and off me and my friends still go to the pub for drinks as normal but... one fine nite the waitress confronted me outside the pub as we were leaving saying why did people say that she slept with me? i was puzzled for a moment then i recalled the ' sending her home ' issue. Could it be becos of that... but before i could explain to her , she hurled vulgarities at me! Damm was i angry! But shes a lady so i kept my cool...my friends pulled me into the pub and one of them got her a cab and she left... Firstly i wan to say I DIDNT SLEEP WITH HER ....secondly if shes so brainless as to listen and believe those rumors then she is a bloody stupid pea brain shallow person , its so many mouths against me wat do you wan me to say? And for behaving like a mad woman in public shes a BITCH ! You dun even wan to bother to listen to wat i say then dun even confront me in the first place. Anyway regarding the rumor , as long as i know i didnt do or say anything why shld i bother? I will never go to that pub again cos of such shallow people.
Overall these are some of the things most singaporeans can do or wat they are like. Any comments or views on this topic anyone???
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wearing a Mask & Losing Self Dignity
Finally i did some workout after 2days of procrastination ... did push-ups & crunches in sets. Didnt run cos i went out with my customers for a short drink therefore decided not to kill myself running hehe. Recently i feel so fake... why do i have to keep wearing a mask? i even have to smile and laugh along with people whom i dun like and that sucks!!! I believe there are alot of people out there who are the same as me as well , wearing a mask. I understand sometimes is Ren Zai Jiang Hu , Shen Bu You Ji ..... Ren Yi Shi Feng Ping Lang Jing , Tui Yi Bu Hai Kuo Tian Kong. Well .....life still goes on. And in life sometimes you have to do certain things which you dun really like to do in order to hang on. Damm... i feel like a loser , why cant i be frank to certain people.... Really need to do some self searching ... losing my dignity :( Where is there honesty when there is no dignity?
Girl In The Train
I was supposed to go home after work yesterday to workout and jog ... but becos i was feeling moody and lousy due to some reasons which i told brudder Joe over the msn during work ... i decided to go for a quick drink to relax and cool off before heading home to run. But the longer i stayed at the pub , the more i drank so i told myself " Its ok... i'll run tomorrow , the ground is wet and slippery due to the evening rain.." yaya i know la , i'm jus giving myself excuses. In the end i finished 3 jug of beers before i left for home which is abt 9pm :p
Took a train as usual to work this morn and guess wat? i saw that sweet looking girl again who always took the train with me in the morn at the same station ! Haven seen her for a long time so i thought she might have switch jobs or working different shift or moved to another place etc... but hey i saw her again this morn :) Seeing her again makes me feel good ... troubles seem to be forgotten at that moment haha. Think she still recognised me cos she looked at me for a good 2sec! And she stood beside me all the way thru out the journey , i think she did took a few glances at me along the way haha ...or issit just my imagination.... hmm.... Anyway i was glad to see her again tdy. Seeing her really brightens up my day. But guess wat , i've nv spoken to her at all since the first day till now kekeke. Could she be the special someone i am looking for???
Monday, April 23, 2007
Angry and Disappointed !!!
Omg !!! I cant believe it !!! My fav girl Peggy Chang didnt win the title... so disappointed.... I cannot believe they actually chose Jessica Tan instead ....i mean come on... how can jessica be compared to peggy??? Well i'm sorry for all those who like and voted for jessica but i gotto say that shes so normal looking and she doesnt have the elegance !!! I mean look at the way she carries herself...nthing special ....and the way she ans the questions...oh man!!! terrible!!! Shes not even drop dead gorgeous , i'm sure any other lady i pick on the street along raffles place and orchard rd is as normal looking as her ... or even better! Peggy has the elegance as well as the sporty kind of look ...i mean those features...erm...dun know how to put it in words... X-Factor yes thats the word. Aww... i'm so disappointed with the way sporean choose their ladies to represent the country... sigh :(
Sorry i think i got carried away cos peggy didnt win the title hehe. Just came back frm supper with my friend Alex. He came to pick me up and we drove to Bt Timah , had fried rice which is so horrible i swear i will not eat it ever again frm there... ordered some lala (shellfish) as well which is soso only.... overall the food there is not delicious. Think i shouldnt eat at such late hrs cos i'm in training.....haiz...looks like my 3km run went down the drain.... I actually wanted to rest today and continue training on Tues... think i will have to eat lesser during lunch later and continue my running after work to make up for the supper...
Lazy Sunday

Woke up this morn feeling tired...maybe its due to the workout yest. Decided to cook lunch but dispersed the thought in the end...haha i am lazy this morn... Planning to go for a run later in the evening cos in the nite i wan to watch MSU2007 haha.. i hope my fav girl wins! Heres a picture of her :)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
First Time Blogging.....

First time blogging.... dun really know wat to blog abt... Feeling very down and low in morale lately maybe its becos i'm tired... mentally drained and burned due to work. I think i really need to take a long vacation and relax. Well, cant take leave at the moment cos my team is short-handed. Thinking hard abt how to get more biz in... thinking & thinking.... day & nite.... I'm going nuts soon!!! Even when i am sleeping i can also dream abt broking and getting deals done and getting more biz in etc... Can someone tell me how to relax myself ?
Last nite i met up with brudder Joe after work. We went to my regular pub for some beers to chill out and relax after another week of work.... did some catching up cos haven seen him for 3wks becos he went reservist. 3wks of training in Taiwan for brudder Joe. He injured his back frm the training...told him not to act hero liao cos hes aint young anymore haha ..... Anyway really enjoyed his company for the first part cos later we went to Clarkquay to meet brudder Mel and his gf. Had some drinks at kandi bar ... then brudder Joe suggested we go for some good whisky so the 4 of us proceeded to Highlander which is jus down the stretch. Brudder Joe recommended me some good whisky like Telisker 10yr & japanese whisky Yamazaki smthing smthing...cant remember the full name. Learnt alot frm brudder Joe cos hes a knowledgeable person and he keeps telling me alot of stuff to widen my knowledge as well. I also read alot on the internet and some books to widen my knowlege but would prefer plp to tell me and explain rather than reading la.... After the 'whisky tasting' brudder Joe had to go home cos wife and daughter waiting for him so brudder Mel , his gf and me proceed to another place called Clinic. The music there was lousy...well maybe not to my liking la. Anyway stayed a while and finished our drinks then went home...was abit tipsy and tired liao. Queued for cab...freaking queue was so long but we got to our turn in like 15min. Non stop of cab flows surprisingly.
Woke up tdy thinking abt work again but decided to brush it off by going for a run. Nearly killed myself running 3km at constant pace... short of breath , legs wobbling haiz...thats for not working out after NS... serves me right. Anyway i am back in training cos going to reservist in June. Taking my IPPT also so dun wana be RT ranger better train. Did 5 sets of 20 push ups , crunches and did some lifting of weights using my dumb-bell...aching all over ..... finished working out and was too tired to do anything so went to bathe and sleep... ya call me a pig hehe.
Woke up tdy thinking abt work again but decided to brush it off by going for a run. Nearly killed myself running 3km at constant pace... short of breath , legs wobbling haiz...thats for not working out after NS... serves me right. Anyway i am back in training cos going to reservist in June. Taking my IPPT also so dun wana be RT ranger better train. Did 5 sets of 20 push ups , crunches and did some lifting of weights using my dumb-bell...aching all over ..... finished working out and was too tired to do anything so went to bathe and sleep... ya call me a pig hehe.
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